
Pintados Festival Event

The Pintados Festival is a special triggered event which unlocks an NPC that will use items from Port Malaya MVP’s to craft powerful Tattoos (accessories) for the players.

To start the Pintados Festival go and find the Festival Helper Boy found outside Port Malaya (ma_fild01.gat 179 260).

  1. Find the Festival Helper Boy and help him collect the materials needed to prepare for the Pintados Festival. Once the server collects enough ingredients the Pintados Festival will begin.
  2. Ask “How many did you collect?” to find out how many festival materials the server has given the NPC.
  3. The server needs to gather the ff. items and give them to the NPC:
    1. 1,000x Lesser Agimat
    2. 1,000x Silver Cross
    3. 300 Dyestuffs (any)
  4. Once you’ve collected the items, talk to the Festival Helper Boy again and select “Brought back a lost belonging” to give him the items you’ve found (you can turn in 50x of an item at a time).
  5. Once the server has given the NPC 1,000 Lesser Agimats, 1,000 Silver Cross, and 300 Dyestuffs, the PIntados Festival will begin and will last (on avg.) 7 Days.

Pintados Festival Tattoos

Once the Pintados Festival has started, you can talk to the Tattooist NPC and have him create powerful Agimat Tattoo Accessories. The Tattooist can be found near the Festival Helper Boy in Barrio Mahiwaga outside Port Malaya (ma_fild01.gat 172 223).

  1. Find the Tattooist and tell him “You need a Tattoo”.
  2. Then choose which Tattoo you want. You have 3 Tattoos to choose from:
    1. Bangungot Agimat Tattoo+4% to all heals done to others
      +7% to all heals received from others
    2. Buwaya Agimat Tattoo+7% MAtk
      -7% Fixed Casting
    3. Bakonawa Agimat Tattoo +7% Atk
      +10% ASPD

  3. Each Tattoo has a different set of materials needed to collect and be given to the Tattooist.
    1. Bangungot Agimat Tattoo
      • 10x Ancient Grudges, 1x Piece of Bangungot Spirit, 1x Bangungot Doll
        (All dropped by Bangungot).
    2. Buwaya Agimat Tattoo
      • 10x Ancient Grudges, 1x Piece of Buwaya Spirit, 1x Buwaya Doll
        (All dropped by Buwaya).
    3. Bakonawa Agimat Tattoo
      • 10x Ancient Grudges, 1x Piece of Bakonawa Spirit, 1x Bakonawa Doll
        (All dropped by Bakonawa).
  4. Once you’ve collected the items, speak with the Tattooist and choose the tattoo you want and he’ll craft it for you.
  5. The process of creating these powerful items takes time and concentration.

    ALWAYS select the option “… … …”.

    Otherwise you’ll interrupt the process causing the tattoo creation to fail, and lose the crafting materials you gave the Tattooist.

  6. After a long process, the Tattooist will complete your tattoo and is now ready for use.

Tikbalang Pet

To learn how to tame a Tikbalang as a pet, go and find the Tikbalang Expert outside Port Malaya (ma_fild01.gat 238 198).

  1. Talk to Tikbalanag Expert
  2. Ask him to teach you how to catch a Tikbalang
  3. Ask about the Easy Way to learn the materials needed.
  4. Collect the ff. Items
    1. 3x Tikbalang Thick Spines (dropped by Tikbalangs)
    2. 5x Lesser Agimats (from Port Malaya Daily Quests)
  5. After collecting the items, go back to the Tikbalang Expert.
  6. Select “Teach me how to catch a Tikbalang”
  7. Choose “Yes, I’m Interested” to give him the items so he can make you a Tikbalang Harness (taming item).
  8. Use the Tikbalang Harness to tame a TIkbalang.
  9. Tamed Tikbalangs eat Monster’s Feed.


MVP Armors

Each of the Port Malaya MVP Bosses drop powerful armors. With the help of the Tribe Blacksmith in Barrio Mahiwaga, these powerful MVP armors can be made even stronger!

The Tribe Blacksmith can be found in Barrio Mahiwaga outside of Port Malaya 
( ma_fild01.gat 158 243).

  • Find the Tribe Blacksmith in Barrio Mahiwaga ( ma_fild01.gat 158 243).
  • Ask him “What are the required materials?” to learn what you need to upgrade your Port Malaya Armors to their “Bayani” (Elite) equivalents.
  • To make “Bayani” armors you first need the normal MVP armor upgraded to +9, and 20x Ancient Grudges (dropped by Port Malaya MVP’s).
  • Once you have enough Ancient Grudges and the armors upgraded to +9, go back to the Tribe Blacksmith, and select “Please upgrade this”.
  • Tell him “Preparations are complete”
  • Select the armor you wish to be converted into its “Bayani” version.
  • He will ask you twice if you really want to do this even if it means losing all the existing upgrades and the armor set bonuses. Just answer Yes to both questions and you’ll receive the Bayani Armors.

Stats of the Normal and “Bayani” versions of the armors can be seen below.

Weapon Forging Guide

The following Items are required for forging :
  • An Anvil ( Anvil, Oridecon Anvil, Golden Anvil / Emperium Anvil )
  • A Hammer of respective Smithed Weapon Level
  • Materials Requierd for that Weapon
  • Elemental Stone (Optional)
  • Star Crumb (Optional)

Lv 1 Weapons

Weapon LevelWeapon ClassWeapon NameMaterials RequiredWeapon AttackWeapon Effect
1DaggerKnife1 Iron, 10 Jellopy17
1DaggerCutter25 Iron73
1DaggerMain Gauche50 Iron43
1SwordSword2 Iron25
1SwordFalchion30 Iron39
1SwordBlade45 Iron, 25 Tooth of Bat53
12-Handed SwordKatana35 Iron, 15 Horrendous Mouth60
1SpearJavelin3 Iron28
1SpearSpear35 Iron44
1SpearPike70 Iron60
1MaceClub3 Iron23
1MaceMace30 Iron37
1AxeAxe10 Iron38
1AxeBattle Axe110 Iron80
1Fist / KnuckleWaghnak160 Iron, 1 Pearl30

Lv 2 Weapons

Weapon LevelWeapon ClassWeapon NameMaterials RequiredWeapon AttackWeapon Effect
2DaggerDirk17 Steel59
2DaggerDagger30 Steel73
2DaggerStiletto40 Steel87
2SwordRapier20 Steel70
2SwordScimiter35 Steel85
2SwordRing Pommel Saber40 Steel, 50 Wolf Claw100
22-Handed SwordSlayer25 Steel, 20 Decayed Nail90
22-Handed SwordBastard Sword45 Steel115
2SpearGuisarme25 Steel84
2SpearGlaive40 Steel104
2SpearPartizan55 Steel124
2MaceSmasher20 Steel54
2MaceFlail33 Steel69
2MaceChain45 Steel84
2AxeHammer30 Steel120
2Fist / KnuckleKnuckle Duster50 Steel50
2Fist / KnuckleStudded Knuckles65 Steel65

Lv 3 Weapons

Weapon LevelWeapon ClassWeapon NameMaterials RequiredWeapon AttackWeapon Effect
3DaggerGladius40 Steel, 4 Oridecon, 1 Sapphire105
3DaggerDamascus60 Steel, 4 Oridecon,1 Zircon118Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts)
3SwordSaber5 Steel, 8 Oridecon, 1 Opal115
3SwordHaedonggum10 Steel, 8 Oridecon, 1 Topaz120Int +3
3SwordTsurugi15 Steel, 8 Oridecon, 1 Garnet130
3SwordFlamberge16 Oridecon, 1 Cursed Ruby150
32-Handed SwordTwo Handed Sword10 Steel , 12 Oridecon160
32-Handed SwordBroad Sword20 Steel , 12 Oridecon140Def +5
32-Handed SwordClaymore20 Steel, 6 Oridecon, 1 Cracked Diamond180
3SpearTrident10 Steel, 8 Oridecon, 5 Aquamarine150
3SpearHalberd10 Steel , 12 Oridecon165
3SpearLance12 Oridecon, 3 Ruby, 2 Evil Horn185
3MaceMorning Star85 Steel, 1 1 Carat Diamond110
3MaceSword Mace100 Steel, 20 Sharp Scale130
3MaceStunner120 Steel, 1 Heroic Emblem14010% Chance to Stun Target
3AxeBuster20 Steel, 4 Oridecon, 30 Orc Fang155
3AxeTwo Handed Axe10 Steel, 8 Oridecon, 1 Amethyst185
3Fist / KnuckleFist4 Oridecon, 10 Ruby115
3Fist / KnuckleFinger4 Oridecon, 10 Opal97
3Fist / KnuckleClaw8 Oridecon, 10 Topaz86Str +2

An essential item that must be used to activate the skill. Double-Click a hammer to activate skill
  • Iron Hammer - Forging of Lv 1 Weapons
  • Golden Hammer - Forging of Lv 2 Weapons
  • Oridecon Hammer - Forging of Lv 3 Weapons
Hammers can be obtained purchased from the NPC Christopher ( Enter Blacksmith Guild from Geffen Town 180,62 )

Doha's Secret Orders

Item(s) (Consumed):Sapha Certification, 11 Clotted Bloodstains, 11 Strange Magic Stones, 11 Frozen Piece of Skin

  1. After competing step 6 of Sapha's Visit, speak with Inspector Doha in the nearby room. He has a secret mission for you; he wants to get to the bottom of the attack on the report messenger earlier.
  2. Speak to Doha again when he asks to take a break so he can drink. He wants you to collect any information you can while on your journey about the identity of the attacker.
  3. In southwest, El Dicastes enter the building at (137, 106) 
  4.  The Pub Location. On the right side of the room, use the elevator to go to Pub Burman Flone.
  5. Speak to the pub owner behind the bar, select Talk then, Ask about other races. He suggests you ask around among the Sapha and Cat Hand locals.
  6. Speak to the following 3 NPCs in any order:
    • In the center of El Dicastes (dicastes01 207, 210), speak toWalking Knit and ask about other races.
    • In the north west part of El Dicastes (112, 248), speak to Resting Piom.
    • In the south east area (249, 140), speak to Training Galten.
  7. Return to the pub and talk to the bartender again. He sends you to talk to the cat BK.
  8. Outside El Discastes, to the southeast of your location (dic_fild01 231, 174), speak to BK and tell him "Shay's special drink will be delivered".
    • Note: At this point, you have access to Scarab Hole Level 2 by talking to the vigilantes (dic_dun01 290, 104).
  9. When BK asks, give him the Sapha Certifications. After handing over 3 Certifications, he'll send you back to Shay.
    • See Document Quests & Department Quests for obtaining Sapha Certifications.
  10. Shay tells you to search around to the south east outside El Dicastes for anything suspicious near the crack.
  11. Two maps south (dic_fild02), in the very south east corner of the map, look around for various spots. Once you acquire an item from one of them, return to Shay.
  12. Shay tells you to gather 3 more Sapha Certifications then try and meet with Ahat.
  13. Inside the Diel, Talk with the Adventure Clerk and tell him I want to meet the minister. When he tells you that Ravail is busy, ask to speak to Ahat.
  14. At the back of the room, take the elevator up to the Administrative Office.
  15. When you come out of the elevator, follow the short hall then turn east. At the next opportunity, turn north and follow the long narrow hallway. Speak to the Diel Guard and tell him I have permission.
  16. On the next floor, go east then north and speak to the Diel Guard blocking the doorway.
  17. Speak to Minister Ahat behind the desk, select any set of options.
  18. Speak to Secret Adjutant next to the desk, he tells you to go to the area southeast of El Dicastes and collect 10 Clotted Bloodstains, 10Strange Magic Stones, and 10 Frozen Piece of Skin.
    • While collecting, You decide that you should also collect an extra of each to keep as evidence for Doha.
  19. After collecting 11 of each piece, return to Secret Adjutant in Ahat's office, to hand in some of the pieces.
  20. Speak to Minister Ahat and be rewarded with a Bradium Brooch.
  21. Walk out of the building and Jarute HesLanta will pull you into his office to discuss Ahat.
  22. Select any options while discussing the situation.
  23. After speaking with HesLanta, return to Inspector Doha to be rewarded with a Dragon Manteau.
  24. Exit the building normally.

Frede's Request

Item(s) (Consumed):30 Small Bradium

  1. Talk to Frede in El Dicastes (dicastes01 117, 262), who isn't feeling well. You are warped to a the Sapha residences.
  2. Talk to Frede, who mentions he's feeling better after getting a shot of Bradium. You mention you're feeling faint, and he gives you a Banana. Your HP drops by 90%. Frede says his leg won't ever recover, and says the Sapha have been hit with an epidemic. He mentions some of his friends, who are now "still". He asks you to visit his friends who work in the caves outside town, as they must report back soon for their shots.
  3. Inside the dungeon, talk to the following NPCs (in any order):
    • Brian (dic_dun01 205, 43).
    • John (235, 243).
    • Tyler (153, 107).
    • Lash (58, 225).
    • Bain (64, 107).
    • On Level 2, talk to Rose (dic_dun02 111, 127), immediately southeast of the entrance.
  4. Return to Frede on floor 3 of the dormitories, and he tells you to help out the Refinery, which is short on Bradium.
  5. Go to the refinery near 11 o' clock (dicastes01 162, 295) and talk to Bouy, who says you can help out if you bring 30 Small Bradium.
  6. Return with the Bradium, and Bouy will take 2 hours to refine it.
  7. After collecting the Bradium from Bouy, return to each of the 6 friends (again, in any order).
  8. After visiting all 6, return to Frede and receive a Bradium Earring.

Nightmare Scaraba Hole


Nightmare mode is a new dungeon being implemented on Ragnarok Online. Basically, it is a harder version of an existing map having an approximately three times harder than the normal version. Skills and stats of monsters on these dungeons are far better than its normal counter part so this dungeon offers a more challenging environment.

How to get there:
Scaraba Hole is located under the Kamidal Mountain in El Dicastes. Adventurers must finished the access quest to Scaraba Hole before they can access the Nightmare version. When you have unlock the entrance to Scaraba Hole you can also access the Nightmare mode. Be sure to wear your Ring of Wise King when talking to anyone in the area.

Locate Curious Sapha at the middle part of Scaraba Hole lvl1. He will be telling you stories on how he ended up inside the Scaraba Hole. Purchase some Scaraba Perfune which will be needed as an entry item to the Nightmare version.

Locate Dirty Vigilante on the right of Curios Sapha. Talk to him and tell him that you will be entering the dungeon after spraying the perfume.

Congratulations! You are now inside Nightmare Scaraba Hole.


--------------------- Monster ------------------------------------------------------

  • The Level from the Monster in the Instance/Dungeon are 100-120.
  • Tikbalang can be tamed with Tikbalang Harness.
  • With Loyal Level it enables to deal 10% more dmg on the Port Malaya MVP's

--------------------- Quests --------------------------------------------------------


Bakonawa Extermination - 5 Days Cooldown
Can't Look Into His Eyes - 23 hours Cooldown
Get Rid of the Jejeling - 23 hours Cooldown
Ghost on the Ferry Ship - 23 hours Cooldown
Jejeling and Jejellopy - 23 hours Cooldown
Marie's Child - 23 hours Cooldown
Purified Bones - 23 hours Cooldown
Shiny Blade - 23 hours Cooldown
The Old Man & The Cast-Iron Cauldron - 23 hours Cooldown
Traditional Spiritual Protection & Impudent Girl - 23 hours Cooldown

Normal Quests:
Rumor, Time and Legend
Secret in the Woods

Important Quests:
Nurse in Port Malaya - Entrancequest for Bangungot Hospital
Cautious Village - to understand the inhabitants of Port Malaya

--------------------- Equip and Items ---------------------------------------------

  • The Equip on the left can be obtained by killing the MVP's of Port Malaya.
  • To get the 'Bayani' Variant you have to do a little bit.
  • The Equip must be +9 and you need 20 Ancient Grudges (MVP and Daily Drop).
  • After Enchant the Upgradelevel will be lost.

There are 3 new Accessories

  • Buwaya Agimat Tattoo
  1. Decreases fixed cast time by 7%
  2. MATK +7%
  3. Mixing aus: 10x Ancient Grudges, 1x Piece of Buwaya Spirit, 1x Buwaya Doll

  • Bakonawa Agimat Tattoo
  1. ATK +7%
  2. ASPD +7%
  3. Mixing aus: 10x Ancient Grudges, 1x Piece of Bakonawa Spirit, 1x Bakonawa Doll

  • Bangungot Agimat Tattoo
  1. Increases the recovery power of the user's healing skills by 4%.
  2. Increases the recovery rate of skills and items by 7%.
  3. Mixing aus: 10x Ancient Grudges, 1x Piece of Bangungot Spirit, 1x Bangungot Doll

The Acccessories can only be made during the 'Pintados Festival'.
The Festival can only be activate through Serverwide Donation and stay 7 Days.

Items of Donation:
- 1,000x Lesser Agimat (Daily Quest Reward)
- 1,000x Silver Cross (Daily Quest Reward)
- 300 Dyestuffs (jede Farbe)

The Items can be obtained by doing the Daily Quest or by killing the MvP's


Report from the New World

  1. Inside the central building (mid_camp 215, 247) at the Midgard camp, talk to Hibba Agip who is on the north side of the table in the center (mid_campin 90, 114), he and Abidail discuss your accomplishments.
  2. Talk to Staff Officer Abidail at the east end of the table, accept his request. He tells you to talk to Commander Agip.
  3. Speak to Hibba Agip again, he gives you a document and asks you to speak to the messenger at at the dimensional gate.
  4. Find Expedition Messenger (mid_camp 206, 286), while you are discussing the report, someone sneaks up and attempts to take it. If you attempt to safeguard the report from the attacker, it will be easier later to re-assemble the report later.
  5. Return to Hibba Agip to inform him that the report has been destroyed. He tells you to go find the pieces of it.
  6. Staff Officer Abidail asks you to bring him pages of the report in increments of 10.
  7. Speak to any of the Expedition Scout on the New World field maps. Select the first option, asking for a progress report of the search for pages. The soldier will give you one of three responses: He found some pages (usually 1, 2, or 3), he is still searching and asks you to return later, or it is very difficult and he hasn't found any pages. Return every 30 minutes (15 minutes if you are playing on iRO) to check back with him. You CAN log out at a scout location and log back in to check for pages, time still passes when your character is logged out.
    • Pages can also be found randomly when killing monsters on the fields where soldiers are located. You will receive a notification that you found a report page every time one is found.
    • Scout locations are:
      • (spl_fild02 296, 369) (north wall)
      • (spl_fild03 172, 71) (south wall)
      • (man_fild01 316, 92) (southeast)
      • (man_fild03 202, 251) (east wall, halfway up)
  8. After returning with 10 pages (or more, in increments of 10), Abidail will try to restore one of the four volumes of the report. Keep searching for pages until all the volumes are restored.
    • There is a very high chance that the pages brought do not form a single volume, or that they form a volume you already have. You will lose 10 pages and must collect more. (On iRO, you only lose 5 pages instead)
    • You will automatically fail and discard the pages if he manages to restore a volume of the report you already have in your inventory. As such, you should put completed volumes in Storage (Cart if you're Merchant/Super Novice Class) or have a partner hold the volumes until you are done speaking with him. The extra volumes of the report can be sold or given to other players doing the quest.
    • TIP - You are able to Store/Trade/Buy and Vend the individual Report Volumes.
  9. Return to Abidail when you have all 4 volumes, ask for the second selection requesting a progress report, and he will recognize all 4 volumes and bind them together.
  10. Speak to Hibba Agip and he will make copies of the report for you. You will now have three copies given to you of the final report. He instructs you to follow the plan as before, except that you will now deliver the reports instead of his soldiers; he has stationed more soldiers in the area to protect you.
  11. Deliver a report to Laur in the throne room of Prontera Castle (prt_castle 88,165) (third room straight from the front entrance, Laur looks like a "butler" character).
  12. Deliver a report to Nuria outside Rachel's temple (ra_temple 122, 174) (standing directly in front of the actual Rachel temple entrance, older woman).
  13. Deliver a report to Gerhart at the front desk, inside Rekenber Corporation's Headquarters (lhz_in01 110, 174) (large building in top left of Lighthalzen, older man standing in front of the front desk).
  14. Return to Hibba Agip, he thanks you for your help
    • Receive 3,750,000 Base EXP (5,625,000 for VIP) and 3 First Aid Kits.

Tripatriate Union's Feud

Item(s) (Consumed):Folding Fan of Cat Ghost, 1 Flame Stone, 1 Old Frying Pan, 1 Squid Ink

  1. Walk near the United Research Official ([1] 163, 234 -> mid_campin 376, 120). He asks you to speak to the people managing the documents.
  2. Speak to Ryosen ([2] 165, 245), he asks you to deliver a Meeting Invitation to Hue, then to Hansenne
  3. .
  4. Deliver the invitation to Hue ([3] 247, 255), and ask him to sign it.
  5. Next deliver the invitation to Hansenne ([4] 222, 218), and ask him to sign it.
  6. Return to Ryosen, he directs you to return to the United Research Official.
  7. The United Research Official asks you to check on each of the researchers to make sure they're preparing for their meeting.
  8. Speak to Ryosen, he asks you to retrieve a document from Hansenne.
  9. Hansenne tells you he lost the document while playing on the west bridge. He suggests you go fishing.
  10. Take the west bridge and go to ([5] 69, 134), where you will find a School of Fish in the water. Attempt to fish until you retrieve a Messy File.
    • Note: If you turned in 10 Piece of Fish to Ferocious Gorurug you'll be unable to fish and have to wait until the time you are allowed to (Check Today's Fishing Closed quest for detailed time and date).
  11. Return to Hansenne, who tells you to take the document to Hue to restore it.
  12. Hue requires 1 Folding Fan of Cat Ghost, 1 Flame Stone, 1 Old Frying Pan, 1 Squid Ink to restore the document.
  13. After giving him the items, he restores the document and gives you a Neat Report.
  14. Return the document to Ryosen, who then asks you to go the Official to wait for the meeting to start.
  15. Walk up to the Official, and the meeting begins. The three researchers give their reports, but the meeting is interrupted by the appearance of Thief Bugs, and everyone (including yourself) leaves the room.
  16. Reenter the building and kill all of the Thief Bugs, after which the others reappear.
  17. Walk over to the Official, and the "meeting" resumes, whereupon Ryosen accuses the rest of tampering with his precious Cake, and an argument ensues, until the Official finally tells everyone to call it a day.
  18. Walk back again towards the Official, where you explain that you know Hansenne wasn't the tamperer, although he took the blame for it.
  19. Talk to Hansenne, and he gives you a Arunafeltz Desert Sandwich in appreciation for your caring. He suggests you help Ryosen and Hue get along better.
  20. Talk to Hue, who asks you to take the Rune Midgard report to Ryosen, and gives you a Schwartzwald Pine Jubilee in thanks.
  21. Hand the report to Ryosen, who realizes he should've thanked Hue earlier, and asks you to set up another meeting with the Official. He gives you a piece of Rune Strawberry Cake in appreciation.
  22. Talk to the Official, who thanks you for all the work you've done, and gives you a First Aid Kit.
    • Receive 80,000 or 120,000 VIP Base Experience and 3,000 or 4,500 VIP Job Experience.

Turn-in Follow-up Quests

You will not be able to get any more if you have 5 in your inventory!

  • Ryosen will give you 1 Rune Strawberry Cake (+5 ATK and +5 MATK for 10 minutes) for every 2 Mystic Horn you turn in.
  • Hansenne will give you 1 Arunafeltz Desert Sandwich (+7 Crit for 10 minutes) for every 2 Peaked Hat you turn in.
  • Hue will give you 1 Schwartzwald Pine Jubilee (+10 Hit and +20 Flee for 10 minutes) for every 2 Fur you turn in.

New Surroundings

Item(s) (Consumed):20 Ordinary Branch (Obtained in step 7), 20 Strong Vine

  1. Talk to Marian ([1] 222, 283), who tells you to talk to Instructor Lugen, and gives you a Chocolate Pie.
  2. Talk to Instructor Lugen (261, 284), who says you need to register with the Receptionist at the big building in the center of the camp.
  3. Enter the building (215, 247), and talk to Receptionist Brink. He registers you, gives you another Chocolate Pie, and sends you back to Lugen.
  4. Lugen gives you another Chocolate Pie, and tells you to go to the Barracks to rest for the night.
  5. At the Barracks ([2] 264, 260), speak to Diego ([3] 264, 263) and offer to help him.
  6. He asks you to bring him 20 Ordinary Branch and 20 Strong Vine.
    • Strong Vine is dropped by Nephentes on the first Manuk Field
  7. On the map to the west ([4]), click on one of the trees at (232, 143), (306, 152), or (379,197) repeatedly until you have 20 Ordinary Branch
    Ordinary Branch locations :
  8. Return to Diego with the parts, he asks you to fix the posts with them.
  9. Speak to one of the Posts near Diego and select Attach the Tree Bar then Tie it with vines. Repeat this til the post has been fixed and then select the option Knot it.
  10. Do the same to the other post, once it is repaired, talk to Diego again.
    • Recieve 5 Chocolate Pie.
  11. You will then be warped inside to your bed. Speak to Lucas.
    • Recieve 1 Chocolate Pie.
  12. Return to Instructor Lugen ([5] 261, 284) who asks you to distribute some supplies. He directs you to Marian.
    • Receive 1 Chocolate Pie.
  13. Speak to Marien and receive 3 Supply Box and 1 Chocolate Pie.
  14. Instructor Lugen tells you to deliver the 1st box to Jan, northwest of the camp.
  15. Deliver the supplies to Jan ([6] 162, 298)
    • Receive 1 Chocolate Pie.
  16. Return to Instructor Lugen. Your next delivery is to Gerard across the west bridge.
  17. Delivery the supplies to Gerard ([7] 30, 168) and return to Instructor Lugen.
    • Receive 1 Chocolate Pie.
  18. The last delivery is to Alberto ([8] 80, 248) at the entrance to the east field. He asks for your help to open the box.
    • Receive 1 Chocolate Pie.
  19. Instructor Lugen thanks you for your help.
  20. Continue talking to Lugen until he asks you to deliver a letter for him.
    • Receive 1 Letter to Otto.
  21. Deliver his letter to Otto ([9] 123, 290). Otto has a letter for you to send back to Lugen.
    • Receive 1 Letter to Lugen.
    • Receive 1 Chocolate Pie.
  22. Deliver Otto's Letter to Lugen.
    • Receive 5 Chocolate Pie.
    • Receive 1 Old Purple Box.
    • Receive 100,000 Base EXP (VIP) 150,000 Base EXP
    • Receive 10,000 Job EXP (VIP) 15,000 Job EXP