
Royal Guard

Ragnarok Royal Guard Job Change Quest Item Requirements
  • 100 Burning Hearts

Ragnarok Royal Guard Job Change Quest Rewards
  • 1 Dip Schmidt Helm [1] – VIT + 2, INT + 1, MDEF + 5. If user has 120 base INT, MATK + 10, DEF + 5. Headgear (Upper/Middle) / 17 Def / 10 Weight / Req Lv 100 / Royal Guard Exclusive
  • 1 Green Apple Ring- accessory that does nothing
  • Job Change to Royal Guard

Ragnarok Royal Guard Job Change Quest Guide

The Royal Guard Job Change Quest is one of the easiest job change quest. You just need to talk to several NPCs and that’s it. The most difficult part is obtaining those 100 Burning Hearts. But you may be able to buy them or get them within a matter of hour if you are leveling with the Magmarings. The Ragnarok Royal Guard Job Change Quest can be finished within 30 – 60 minutes.

1. Start the Royal Guard Job Change Quest by entering the Prontera castle and speak with Middle-aged Gentleman (prt_castle 48, 161). You need to get off your Peco Peco before he speaks to you. Upon entering the Prontera castle, go two portals to the north then head to the west portal to the second room. Ask hm who he is and he will introduce himself as Hainrich. He will also ask you what is the key of being a royal guard, you can choose any option as they are all correct. Speak with him until he ask for you to give him 100 Burning Hearts. Give him the item and he will tell you about the details of his research. Be interested and ask if you can go and investigate the traces.

2. The traces is inside the Glast Heim castle which you can learn if you open the Quest Window (Alt + U) Go to Glast Heim Churchyard and walk straight to (gl_church 156, 102). A popup dialogue would be activated and mini marks would appear on your map.

3. Go to one of the place as marked on your mini map. Click on the Delicate Trace until you get a piece of clothe of a saint. You will get stones on your failed attempts. After 3 attempts and you haven’t found the piece of clothe yet, the delicate trace would deactivate. You could either go to other locations or you could wait until you could excavate again. I have waited.

4. Go back to Hainrich in Prontera Castle. Again, you have to get off your peco peco when speaking with him. He will take the clothe from you and be surprised that you get it. He will give you the Shield of King which you can read the text inscribe on it when you open the Quest Window ( Alt + U )

5. Go back to Glast Heim and click on the Thought of Schmidt (glast_01 240, 367) A conversation will ensue and answer that you are willing to be a Royal Guard. Congratulations! You will become a Ragnarok Royal Guard. You shall receive 1 Dip Schmidt Helm [1] and 1 Green Apple Ring as your Ragnarok Royal Guard Job Change Quest rewards. So easy, right?!

Finally a Royal Guard

So glad that the Royal Guard Job Change Quest is in glast heim as i can level right away to 100 and I can wear my Dip Schmidth Helm [1]

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