
Mixed Cooking

All foods lasts for 5 Minutes.

You need only one Recipe Book for all of the foods (the one named "Cooking Book: Mix Cooking", buy in Al De Baran, south/west corner building). Melange Pots and Cookpots can be bought there, too.

Has a chance to fail, resulting in Mysterious Powder, Black Lump, Black Hard Lump, Very Hard Lump or Black Thing.

Lvl 1 allows you to create 1 dish at a time, while Lvl 2 requires 10 sets of ingredients for 10 dishes.

Lvl 2 is no higher success rate then lvl 1. It does however have a chance to make more items than normal with the same number of ingredients if your stats are high enough, which can be very beneficial.

Comodo Tropical Fruit can be bought in Comodo 106, 213.


Traditional Spiritual Protection & Impudent Girl

This quest or instance can be repeated.
This quest or instance has a 23 hour cooldown period.

Item(s) (Consumed):12 Silver Bracelet, 6 Bags of Salt, 6Sharpened Bamboo

1. Talk to Imelda (malaya 169 350) and ask if she want to make a Traditional Spiritual Protection. She tells you that her father found a way on how to create it and it's her job to protect it.

2. Though you are not offering for any help, she thinks that you are and asks you gather the required materials. She instruct you to get 6 Sharpened Bamboo, 6 Bags of Salt and 6 Silver Cross.
  • Sharpened Bamboos can be found in Baryo Mahiwaga
  • Bags of Salt can be found on the North-Western beach and
  • Silver Cross are manufactured by Blacksmith Pandoi.

3. Collect Bags of Salt from the Sand Traps near the sea-shore (malaya 62 274), (malaya 66 277), (malaya 70,282) located at the north-western part of the map.

4. Find Black Bamboo Trees in Baryo Mahiwaga (near ma_fild01 178 208) and gather bamboos from it. Coordinates of the trees are listed below
  • ma_fild01 174, 184
  • ma_fild01 179, 271
  • ma_fild01 181, 208
  • ma_fild01 229, 184
  • ma_fild01 232, 244

5. Go to Blacksmith Pandoi to create a Silver Cross. In order to do so you must have 2 Silver Bracelet to make 1 Silver Cross.
  • You can create 1, 6 or even more depending on the number you input. Silver Bracelets are dropped by monsters in Port Malaya Fields and Bangungot Hospital Dungeon.

6. After successfully crafting 6 Silver Crosses. Return to Imelda.

7. Hand over the items and she will start with the ritual. She asks you not to bother her for 15 minutes.

8. Talk to her and receive 6 Spiritual Protections. She asks you to deliver it to the 6 NPC's you spoke during the Cautious Villagers quest. It could be in any order.

  • Old Man Nardo (malaya 181, 353)
  • Blacksmith Pandoi (malaya 119, 217)
  • Tala (malaya 223, 267)
  • Romel [just beside Tala]
  • Collection Dealer Woeon (malaya 295, 171)
  • Pedro The Sailor (malaya 326, 68)

9. After delivering the item, return to Imelda. She thanks you for the job and receive 1 Lesser Agimat (2 for Premium), EXP & Job EXP.

Purified Bones

This quest or instance can be repeated.
This quest or instance has a 23 hour cooldown period.

Item(s) (Consumed):10 Holy Water

1. Speak with Dhong the Guard at Baryo Mahiwaga (ma_fild01 239, 253) and ask him about his Guard Dog Vantai. He tells you that Vantai needs to eat Purified Spirit Bones.

2. He tells you that he can't move away from his spot. So he asks if you can get the bones for him. You'll need a Holy Water to purify them by speaking with Kiko in Mumbaki (ma_fild01 261, 206). Accept his request and gather 10 Evil Spirit Bones.

3. After acquiring 10 pcs. of it and having 10 Holy Waters in your inventory at the same time. Speak with Kiko in Mumbaki (ma_fild01 261, 206) and request for a Purification Ritual. He then gives you 10 Purified Spirit Bones.

4. Take the Purified Spirit Bones to Dhong. He thanks you for the job and rewards you with EXP, Job EXP and 1 Lesser Agimat.

Final Notes:
  • Spirit Bones are automatically added to your inventory when you kill a monster. Most usually Tikbalangs are the most effective.
  • If you speak with Kiko with more than 10 Spirit Bones in your inventory, he'll consume all of them.
  • You can do this quest at same time with Shiny Blade and/or Can't Look Into His Eyes, the monsters that you hunt on those quests also drop Spirit Bones

Get Rid of the Jejeling

This quest or instance can be repeated.
This quest or instance has a 23 hour cooldown period.

Hunting:20 Jejeling

Note: It is best to do Jejeling and Jejellopy while doing this quest at the same time.
  1. Speak with Rodel the Guard at Port Malaya Harbor. He tells you that there's a job for you if you're interested and not busy. He explains that they are going to organize an extensive Jejeling hunt because of the complains they receive from the peddlers.
  2. Join the Jejeling Hunting Team and he asks you to take down 20 Jejelings.
  3. Return to Rodel and he'll reward you EXP, Job EXP and 1 Lesser Agimat for a job well done.

Marie's Child

This quest or instance can be repeated.
This quest or instance has a 23 hour cooldown period.

Item(s) (Consumed):Inside-Out Shirt

1. Speak with Marie (ma_fild01 199 190). She tells you her daughter is missing and asks for your help.

2. Help her. She tells you that her daughter might be lost in the woods and if you see her daughter, give her 1 Inside-Out Shirt so she can return home.

3. The child spawns at 3 random locations on the map.
  • ma_fild01 128, 313 [North West]
  • ma_fild01 116, 140 [Middle West]
  • ma_fild01 251, 99 [South East]

4. When you find the child, give her the shirt and return to Marie.

5. She thanks you for the job and gives you 1 Lesser Agimat, EXP & Job EXP

Jejeling and Jejellopy

This quest or instance can be repeated.
This quest or instance has a 23 hour cooldown period.

Item(s) (Consumed):30 Jejellopy

It is best to do Get Rid of the Jejeling while doing this quest at the same time.

1. Speak with Collection Dealer Woeon. He tells you that he collects 3 kinds of things and asks if you can gather jejellopies for him.

2. Accept the request and gather 30 Jejellopies.
  • Aside from the monster drop, usually when you kill a Jejeling, a jejellopy will be automatically added to your inventory. So there are chances of gaining 2 per kill.

3. Return to Woeon after gaining the required number of item. He thanks and rewards you with 1 Lesser Agimat, EXP & Job Exp.
-- Note: Woeon will take all the jejellopies in your inventory.

Ghost on the Ferry Ship

This quest or instance can be repeated.
This quest or instance has a 23 hour cooldown period.

Item(s) (Consumed):3 Beautiful Flower, 3 Elegant Flower, 3 Mysterious Flower

Note : Step 1-3 only applies on first time quest, you'll automatically go to step 4 and onward when you talk to Pedro after the quest timer expired.
  1. Speak with Pedro the Sailor(malaya 326, 68) and ask about the ferry ride. He complains on how the ship can't sail because of the ghosts inside the ship. While listening to his story, he tells you that he saw a black ghost and has suddenly disappeared. He suggests you to take a look inside the boat.
  2. Get inside the boat and walk near Ghost Diwata to start a conversation. No matter what option you choose you'll make her angry and you'll be kicked out the of ship.
  3. Speak with Pedro again and tell him what you saw inside. He suggests you to consult Leader Phong the Mumbaki.
  4. Speak with Leader Mumbaki (malaya 185, 358) and ask for an advice. He tells you that flowers are the best choice to seduce a woman.
  5. He asks you to bring him 3 Mysterious Flowers, 3 Elegant Flowers and 3 Beautiful Flowers for him to make a bouquet.
  6. Return to him after gathering the items. Receive an Offering Bouquet.
  7. Bring the bouquet to the Ghost Diwata and slide them down on the floor. She realize that you're not an enemy but an outsider.
  8. Return to Pedro and he'll thank you for the job and reward you with EXP, Job EXP and 1 Lesser Agimat.

Can't Look Into His Eyes

This quest or instance can be repeated.
This quest or instance has a 23 hour cooldown period.

  1. Speak with Budidai (ma_fild02 240, 39) near the portal. He asks you if you came to hear him singing.
  2. Ask about the profound study of the one-eyed monster and he tells you that singing is what he can only do and the monster is too powerful for him to handle. He'll ask for your help.
  3. Respond to his request and he'll ask you to hunt down 10 Bungisngis.
  4. Return to Budidai after defeating the monster and he'll reward you with EXP, Job EXP and 1 Lesser Agimat.

Shiny Blade

This quest or instance can be repeated.
This quest or instance has a 23 hour cooldown period.

  1. Speak with Blacksmith Pandoi (malaya 119, 217) about the Silver Blade. He complains on how he can't get the materials he need inside the hospital because of the ghosts.
  2. Offer him help and he'll ask you to hunt down 10 Tiyanaks, 10 Manananggals and bring him 10 Silver Bracelets.
  3. Return to Pandoi after defeating the monsters and gathering the required number of item.
  4. Receive some EXP, Job EXP and 1 Lesser Agimat.

The Old Man & The Cast-Iron Cauldron

This quest or instance can be repeated.
This quest or instance has a 23 hour cooldown period.

  1. Speak with Old Man Nardo (malaya 181, 353) and ask about The Old Man and The Cast-Iron Pot.
  2. He will then ask you to deliver Cast-Iron Cauldrons to Kiko in Mumbaki at Baryo Mahiwaga.
  3. Respond to his request and he will hand over 5 Cast-Iron Cauldrons.
  4. Find Kiko in Baryo Mahiwaga (ma_fild01 261, 206) and give him the cauldrons. Receive 5 Spiritual Protections.
  5. Return to Nardo. He will reward you with EXP, Job EXP and 1 Lesser Agimat.