
Jejeling and Jejellopy

This quest or instance can be repeated.
This quest or instance has a 23 hour cooldown period.

Item(s) (Consumed):30 Jejellopy

It is best to do Get Rid of the Jejeling while doing this quest at the same time.

1. Speak with Collection Dealer Woeon. He tells you that he collects 3 kinds of things and asks if you can gather jejellopies for him.

2. Accept the request and gather 30 Jejellopies.
  • Aside from the monster drop, usually when you kill a Jejeling, a jejellopy will be automatically added to your inventory. So there are chances of gaining 2 per kill.

3. Return to Woeon after gaining the required number of item. He thanks and rewards you with 1 Lesser Agimat, EXP & Job Exp.
-- Note: Woeon will take all the jejellopies in your inventory.

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