
Mora Enchants

Artifact Crafter (Warlock)

The Artifact Crafter is located near the middle of town by the lake (mora 100, 93). Any of the gears may be purchased from the Guardian of Artifacts (104, 76) at a cost of 10 Mora Coins each; however, the player is only allowed to select which equipment type they desire (shoes, armor, weapon, accessory), and they are given one of the 4 possibilities at random.

ItemsEnchants Possible Enchantments
Golden Rod Staff       2
SP +100
SP +200
HP +100
HP +200
INT +1
INT +2
INT +3
INT +4
INT +5
DEX +1
DEX +2
DEX +3
DEX +4
DEX +5
MATK +1%
MATK +2%
Aqua Staff       2
Crimson Staff       2
Forest Staff       2
Golden Rod Robe       3
Aqua Robe      3
Crimson Robe      3
Forest Robe      3
Golden Rod Orb3
Aqua Orb3
Crimson Orb3
Forest Orb3
Golden Rod Shoes3
Aqua Shoes3
Crimson Shoes3
Forest Shoes3

Master of Relics (Arch Bishop)

Only an Arch Bishop can trade in Mora Coins for the gear with the Keeper of Secrets. Enchanting with the Master of Relics has a chance of breaking the gear.
The Master of Relics is located near the middle of town by the lake (mora 96, 74). Any of the gears may be purchased from the Keeper of Secrets (88, 89) at a cost of 10 Mora Coins each; however, the player is only allowed to select which equipment type they desire (shoes, armor, weapon, accessory), and they are given one of the 2 or 3 possibilities at random. However, you are not allowed to purchase an accessory when you already have one or more in your inventory. Also, it's possible to trade any of the three accessories in to obtain 10 Mora coins, to do so choose the third option from the Keeper of Secrets.

ItemsEnchants Possible Enchantments
Bible of Promise (1st Vol.)

ATK +2%
VIT +1, +2
INT+1, +2, +3, +4, +5
DEX +1, +2, +3, +4, +5
HP +500
CRI +5

Light Of Cure2
INT +1, +2
DEX +1, +2
VIT +1, +2
HP +500
ATK +2%
Cure Lv1(-3 second delay to High Heal)

Seal Of Cathedral2
DEX +1, +2
VIT +1, +2
INT +2
HP +500
ATK +2%
Catholic Lv1 (Coluseo Heal sp cost -30)

Ring Of Archbishop2
INT +2
DEX +1, +2
VIT +1
HP +500
ATK +2%
Archbishop Lv1 (increase effect of healing skills by 3%)

Wand of Affection2
SP +100
VIT+1, +2
INT +1, +2, +5
DEX +1, +2
MATK +1%

Mace of Judgement2
DEX +1, +2
ATK +3%
STR +1, +2, +3, +4, +5
VIT +1, +2

Shoes of Affection3
DEX +1, +2
INT +1, +2
ATK +2%
HP +500

Shoes of Judgement3
DEX +2, +3, +4
INT +1, +2
ATK +2%

Robe of Affection3
DEX +1, +2, +3
INT +1, +2
ATK +2%
STR +4, +5
Crit +5
HP +500

Robe of Judgement3
DEX +1, +2
INT +1, +2
ATK +2%
Crit +5
HP +500

Shawl of Affection3
DEX +1, +2, +3, +4
INT +1, +2
VIT +1
HP +500
Crit +5

Shawl of Judgement3
DEX +1, +2, +3, +4
INT +1, +2
VIT +1
HP +500

List of possible enchants not yet complete. Please help irowiki by updating the enchants table with your findings.

Artifact Collector (Arch Bishop & Warlock)

The Artifact Collector is located at the right side of the lake (Mora 124,82). He will exange your staff for a very precise (and extremely hard to get) enchants value and refine level. Take note that upgrading the staff to +7 or higher before trying to enchant it, wont give any bonus to the enchants possibilities as they are totaly random. Each time you try to enchant the staff with new value it can break in the process.
  • The enchant value required is the total of all enchants on the staff (ie. INT +2 and INT +2 is a valid INT +4 requirement)

ClassItemReq. Enchants ValueReq. RefineReward
WarlockGolden Rod StaffMATK +2% or INT +4+7 minimumEmpowered Golden Rod Staff
Aqua StaffEmpowered Aqua Staff
Crimson StaffEmpowered Crimson Staff
Forest StaffEmpowered Forest Staff
Arch BishopWand of AffectionMATK +2%, DEX +4 or INT +5+7 minimumEmpowered Wand of Affection
Mace of JudgementATK +3%, DEX +4 or STR +5Empowered Mace of Judgement

Artifact Researcher (Ranger, Guillotine Cross & Rune Knight)

Any class can trade in Mora Coins to buy the gear from the Guardian of Power, but you have to equip the gear to enchant it with the Artifact Researcher.
The Artifact Researcher is located east of the the lake (mora 148, 98). Any of the gears may be purchased from the Guardian of Power (152, 97) at a cost of 10 Mora Coins each. From here you can select which class and specific piece of equipment you would like. Enchantments cost 1 Mora Coin and 100,000z each. The second enchantment has a chance of failure (failure erases all enchantments). The third enchantment has a low chance of success, failure results in either the removal of all enchantments, or the item breaking.

The third dialog option will remove all enchants, for 1 mora coin and 100,000 zeny.

Success rates are unknown, but anecdotal evidence suggests 40-60% for second enchant, and somewhat lower, possibly 30-50% on third enchant. Failures on third enchant seem to have approximately equal chance of losing enchants, or item breaking.
Enchantments are drawn from one of a fairly small number of lists - presumably with the same rates. These are shown at the end of the section. If the item is +9 or greater when you enchant it, you will be given two choices. One of these choices pulls from the same list that enchantments below +9 did, and the other pulls from a different list.

ItemsEnchants list +0~8 list options at +9
Ur's Greaves3Assist AbilityAssist AbilityStrength
Peuz's Greaves3Assist AbilityAssist AbilityPhysical Type
Ur's Manteau3Evasion TypeEvasion TypeStrength
Peuz's Manteau3Evasion TypeEvasion TypeCritical Type
Ur's Plate3StrengthStrengthAtk Type
Peuz's Plate3Physical TypePhysical TypeCrit Type
Ur's Seal2Assist Abilityn/an/a
Peuz's Seal2

ItemsEnchants  list +0~8+9  (option 1)+9 (option 2)
White Wing Boots3Assist AbilityAssist AbilityCritical Type
Black Wing Boots3
White Wing Manteau3Evasion TypeEvasion TypeAtk Type
Black Wing Manteau3UnknownUnknownUnknown
White Wing Suit3Critical TypeCritical TypeRanged Type
Black Wing Suit3UnknownUnknownUnknown
White Wing Brooch2Assist Abilityn/an/a
Black Wing Brooch2

ItemsEnchantslist +0~8+9 (option 1)+9  (option 2)
Sapha Shoes3Assist AbilityAssist Ability Atk Type
Nab Shoes3
Sapha Hood3Evasion TypeEvasion TypeCritical Type
Nab Hood3
Sapha's Cloth3Critical TypeCritical TypePhysical Type
Nab's Cloth3Atk TypeAtk TypeCrit Type
Sapha Ring2Assist Abilityn/an/a
Nab Ring2

Possible Enchantments
If you encounter enchants that are not listed here, please add them - some of these tables contain guesses (where marked) that have not been confirmed as possible.

AbilitySlot 1Slot 2Slot 3
Luk+1, +2, +3+2, +3, +4+3, probably others (likely +3~5)
Agi+1, +2, +3+2, +3 (possibly +4)+2, +4, possibly others
Evasion1, 3, 6(?)3, 6, 9(?)6, 9(?), 12

AbilitySlot 1Slot 2Slot 3
HP+300, +400, +500+400, +500+500
Vit+1, +2, +3+2, +3, +4+3, +4, +5
Def+3, +6, +9+6, +9, +12(?)+9, +12, +15(?)

Atk Type
AbilitySlot 1Slot 2Slot 3
Atk+1%, +2%, +3%+2%, +3%+3%
Str+1, +2, +3+2, +3, +4+3, +4, +5
Fighting Spirit1, 2, 32, 3, 43, 4, 5

Critical Type
AbilitySlot 1Slot 2Slot 3
Luk+1, +2, +3+2, +3, +4, +5+3, +4, +5
Str+1, +2, +3+2, +3 (possibly +4)Unknown
Crit+5+5, +7+5, +7
Sharp11, 21, 2, 3

Ranged Type
AbilitySlot 1Slot 2Slot 3
Dex+1, +2, +3+2, +3, +4+4, others (probably +3~5)
Luk+1, +2, +3, +4+2, +3, +4+3, others (probably +3~5)
Expert Archer1 (possibly 2 at very low rate)1, 2, 31, 2, 3, (probably 4 as well)

Physical Type
AbilitySlot 1Slot 2Slot 3
HP+100, +200, possibly others+200, +300Unknown, please add data
Luk+2 (likely +1~3)+2, +3, +4unknown, likely +3~5
Agi+1, +2 (likely also +3)+2, +3, (likely +4)+3, +4, likely +5
Def+3, +6, possibly others+3, +6, +9Unknown, please add data

Assist Ability
AbilitySlot 1Slot 2Slot 3

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